
Správa majetku Thienen – Serényi s.r.o. manages real estate owned by the Thienen family.

Welcome to the official website of the Thienen family and the Správa majetku Thienen – Serényi s.r.o.



About families

The Serényis are an aristocratic family that has lived in Bohemia and Moravia since the end of the 16th century and has made a significant contribution to Luhačovice becoming a famous spa town. At present, they manage a number of valuable monuments, the most important of which are the Luhačovice, Lomnice and Milotice castles.

The rightful heir to the Serényi real estate is the noble Thienen family whose roots go all the way back to aristocratic knights of Schleswig-Holstein. The two families united in 1950 thanks to a marriage between Isabella Serényi and Konrad Christoph Thienen-Adlerflycht.
